Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sleeping Boy

Zane is turning one on Saturday and I have found myself trying to hang on to every detail.  I know it's not going to happen, but I'm sort of afraid when he turns one he'll just be totally different and won't do the cute baby things that he does now!  I know that will happen eventually and probably so gradually that I won't really notice, but I decided to take a picture of him sleeping just in case when he turns one he doesn't sleep with his bottom in the air anymore!  :)  And just so you know, I am happy that he is growing up!  He's so much fun.  It's just been a time of remembering this week.

Here's the sleeping angel-bottom in the air!
Waking up:


  1. AWWWHHHH!! How cute!! Love how he sleeps with his bottom in the air! Such a joy! And he sure has fun when he eats! AC

  2. As it has always been: Luke 2:19.

    1. Thank you for this verse. I love it. I am definitely treasuring these things in my heart.
