Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fishing with my hubby!

A week ago, last Thursday, my Jeff and I got to go fishing!  I wanted it to last a long time because it is the last one before our son is born, but we had to come in early because I got really tired.  It worked out just fine though because we had our last prenatal class to go to that night.   

It was a gorgeous day.  We couldn't have asked for a better one.  There were hardly any boats out either, which made it really nice because the fish weren't disturbed.  One of the places we went to were some no name lakes in the bay-boy were the fish in there!  Since it didn't have a name and I was catching the fish, we named it Amy Lake.  (Jeff already has a lake named after him.  :-)).  Oh, we had such a good time. 

Not such a flattering pic, but hey! that's pregnancy for you!
With my best fishing buddy ever!

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