Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday Night Singing

I had a really enjoyable night last night!  We went to a singing at our congregation.  They have them every Friday night in different towns and it goes through the summer.  Since it was at ours, we decided to go!  We sang for two hours and it sounded so good!  I really enjoyed having a variety of song leaders.  Each mostly led two songs-some were old men, and some were teenagers.  It was great!  What a great way to spend our evening-praising God!  One of the songs that we sang was You Are the Words and the Music.  Well, that might not be the title, but I thought it was a very fitting song.  We also sang Salvation Has Been Brought Down, Lean On His Arm, I'll Fly Away, and tons more.  I think the organizer of this likes to keep track of stuff and he said we sang 46 songs.  There were 134 people there from about 14 congregations around the area!  It was wonderful!

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