Created for family and friends since we are scattered so far apart, but still remain
close at heart!
Monday, October 31, 2016
October's Ending!!! Picture Dump!!!
I is for insect! We-meaning I-caught a praying mantis.
Insect hat.
Working on his ABC treasure map!
This particular week we were studying Moses and the plagues. The first plague was water turning to blood, so we had to do it at home to demonstrate. Not like God by any means. Just red jello in the bottom.
Our beautiful shrimp plant!
Planting a loquat and Rachel liked this big rock.
Always digging.
Grow, loquat, grow!
New rails, no more splinters!
Singing and watching Dada.
Aw. Thumb and pony.
Rachel likes being a baby.
Collecting pinecones for an experiment.
How do pinecones open and close? Put them in water, and they will close! Dry them out, and they will open! They take several days to dry.
This particular week was q for quail and we made bird feeders.
And built bird houses.
So glad Dada helped.
Closing up!
Pinecone seeds
Planted pinecone seeds!
Reading at the library!
Q-tip painting a q!
Dot, dot, dot
God fed Moses and the Israelites quail and Manna. So we made "manna."
Manna is good!
He likes Manna. So funny because they kept accidentally calling it mayonnaise. :)
Made bird nests.
Dada fixed the little Big Wheel! Perfect for these little feet!
Zane has been practicing the Old Testament books of the Bible in Bible class. He knows up to Ruth, or roof!, as he likes to say. I had fun videoing him saying them because he was getting a kick out of it, so here is alot of videos all about the same! :) Sorry, not sorry, there are so many. I think I was trying to get one that was "just right." Oh well!
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