Thursday, June 23, 2016


June has flown by. I was supposed to have a bunch of posts! I feel bad, but I just don't know where the time has gone. My first born is about to be four. Now where has that time gone? I was thinking that I thought I lived in Midland a long time, but I've been married to Jeff longer than I lived there, and have almost had Zane that long! Life must be good because it's gone by fast!

Here is a glimpse into our lives:

Eating cheerios with milk for the first time!
Wetting the sidewalk chalk and drawing with it.
I should have cropped myself out, but she's just so cute.
Soaking wet-the way they like it!
She makes a mess, but I love to hear her sing devo songs!

Rachel at the water table:

No more competition for the Big Wheel since Zane has a tractor now. And she loves that! Here she is singing our Bay City song we made up:

Rachel has started saying prayers. Be still my heart. I love it. It usually goes something like this: Our Father, Our Father, Our Father, Our Father, Amen!

Like I mentioned in the above picture, Rachel likes to take all the devo stuff out and go through them. I took a short video and a very very long video of her doing it.

Zane ran out of juice in his tractor yesterday. I tried to get a video, but he was riding on it standing up pushing the pedal trying to make it go. It got slower and slower and slower until it just stopped. I had to push him again to get to the side walk so he could go to the charging station we have for him. This video doesn't show much, but I thought it was comical how he was riding it.

1 comment:

  1. Boy, Rachel sure knows how to cool off!!! Haha! Fun times!
