Monday, May 9, 2016

My Mother's Day

My wonderful husband made lunch and supper for us!  Made me sit on the couch or chair!  It was so nice and all tasted so good.  He made lasagna and french bread for lunch and for supper we had fancy french toast and the best scrambled eggs I've ever tasted!

I am so proud of my family!   I love them so much!

 While Daddy made breakfast for supper, I had time to get two kids clean!!!  That was soooo nice!! 

Dada is a well oiled machine in the kitchen!!! 

And I got to eat off the red plate for the first time!!!
Thanks for making it a special day for me, Jeffy!


  1. So glad you had a nice day!! Looks like you were spoiled!

  2. Yea! If I was there I could have catsup on my eggs! I see you have it out. emp
